Are you getting enough protein?

Chances are, you may not be getting the recommended amount of daily protein (RDA), as a survey showed that more than 50% of adults with type 2 diabetes did not meet the RDA for protein.1

The Institute of Medicine recommends that an average adult consume 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight each day. For example, a 100- pound adult should consume 36 grams of protein, a 150-pound adult 54 grams, and a 200-pound adult 72 grams.

How much protein do you need?

The specific amount of protein each person needs depends on several factors. These include age, sex, health status, and activity level. You'll want to talk to your health care provider about your specific needs.


Ways to get more protein in your diet:

(Nutrition information was sourced from

  • Add an egg to your breakfast
  • Keep nuts handy. 1 ounce of almonds contains 6 grams of protein
  • Add unsweetened Greek yogurt to your diet. 7 ounces contains approximately 17-20 grams of protein
  • Add peanut butter to your diet; there are a lot of good choices that don’t contain added sugar
  • Beans are full of fiber and add up to 15 grams of protein per cup. Try garbanzo, white, kidney, black beans, or lentils
  • Mix seeds into your foods. Just 2 tablespoons of hemp, chia, or flaxseed can add 3-6 grams of protein
  • For a snack, top whole grain crackers with tuna. 1 ounce of canned tuna in water has approximately 7 grams of protein
  • Replace a poor food choice with a delicious Glucerna® shake. For instance, a Glucerna® Protein Smart 11-fluid-ounce shake has 30 grams of protein
  • Glucerna shakes and bars are great ways to add protein when you’re on the run

Protein is an essential nutrient that has a lot of benefits. For more helpful tips, click on this link: With diabetes, what, when, and how much you eat can all make a difference.

Reference: 1. Fanelli SM, et al. Nutrients. 2021;13(8):2582.